Anime Overview
Title: Black Clover
Genre: Shounen, Action, Fantasy
Studio: Pierrot (known for anime like Naruto and Bleach)
Original Source: Black Clover manga
Aired Seasons: 4 (170 episodes) - Aired from October 2017 to March 2021
Streaming: Crunchyroll & Anime Booth
Languages: Hindi ORG
Black Clover is set in a world where magic is everything. Asta, the protagonist, is a young boy born without magical abilities in a kingdom that values wizards. Despite this setback, Asta is determined to become the Wizard King and leader of the magic knights. He trains tirelessly to compensate for his lack of magic, and he stands out with his strong drive and anti-magic power.
The plot follows Asta's journey as he joins a magic knight squad, meets new friends and opponents, and trains to become stronger. He encounters obstacles and discrimination, yet he never loses sight of his aim.
Season 1 Hindi Dubbed